The beauty of veneers โ€ฆ A natural-looking, long-lasting way to dramatically enhance your smile

At My Dental and Implants in Glendale, Arizona, we are proficient at replicating natural, healthy, and attractive tooth structures. When natural tissues are lost due to conditions such as decay, fractures, and dental disease, we can create a replacement tooth structure that is indistinguishable in appearance and function from the “real thing.” Additionally, our dentist, Dr. Nima Afzalian, can dramatically improve the smile’s appearance with replacement tooth material that is as strong and aesthetic as natural enamel.

Get to know dental veneers.

Veneers are made primarily from dental ceramics, such as porcelain. This material is prepared, shaped, and secured to the front surfaces of the teeth. Once bonded to the natural tooth, veneers cover all cosmetic imperfections. On healthy teeth, they may be used to disguise:

  • Gaps
  • Uneven spacing between teeth
  • Stubborn yellow teeth and other forms of discoloration
  • Chipped or flawed tooth surfaces
  • Poorly-shaped teeth
  • Teeth that are short or irregularly-sized
  • Other signs of wear and tear

If, during your examination, Dr. Afzalian determines that an underlying oral problem actually causes the cosmetic imperfection, restorative treatment may be in order. From fillings to crowns, these restorations are a blend of durable, functional, and attractive. They resolve everything from smaller cavities to more extensive fractures or decay. Likewise, patients with bite imbalances may be better suited to orthodontic treatments.

Get to know dental veneers

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The process for good veneers candidates

If we determine that veneers are an excellent option for you, information is collected about the tooth (or teeth) to be treated. The tooth itself must also be slightly reduced. That way, the porcelain veneer will fit correctly over the tooth. It won’t protrude unnaturally, look “fake,” or be susceptible to breakage and other types of damage. Impressions or models of the treatment site are made. These impressions are used to guide the fabrication of your veneers. Once they are ready, the veneers are fixed securely to the prepared teeth. 

We also partner with you to assure your veneers remain as strong and great looking as the day they were placed. Recommendations for oral care are tailored and may include refraining from any behavior that can weaken or damage the ceramic. These habits include using your teeth to open packages or bruxism (chronic teeth-grinding). If bruxism is an issue, we can proactively customize a nightguard to protect your teeth from the effects of this destructive condition.

Call My Dental and Implants at (623) 300-2550 to schedule an appointment at our Glendale, AZ office. We are privileged to provide exceptional cosmetic and restorative dentistry services to individuals throughout Sun City, Surprise, Peoria, Cave Creek, and greater Phoenix.

The process for good veneers candidates
Veneers are thin handcrafted porcelain shields worn on the front of the tooth which improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained or worn. Veneers are thin as contact lenses, and are an aesthetically pleasing option of closing gaps, lengthening teeth, and providing symmetry to make your smile more natural. Veneers are intended to last for many years without changing color. They are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry. Ask your dentist if veneers may be right for you.

Dr Nima Afzalian Veneers

Hello everyone. Today we want to talk about smile, design and veneers.
What patients are a good candidate for these treatments? So when we are talking about smile design,
we are looking into patients who don’t like their smile. They have healthy teeth. It may have minor cavities here and there,
but the structure of the tooth, it’s something that we’re able to build upon. So these veneers go on top of your natural teeth.
So we basically shave a little bit, a thin layer of the teeth, depending on how much room we need, and basically after designing your smile.
So the process is basically we design your smile with our lab technician, our master ceramics, and after that you come in and we prepare the teeth,
meaning that we adjust and prepare the teeth, shave what we need. And on your third deployment, you leave with the temporaries.
So at that moment, you’re able to basically test drive your smile and see if you like the shape of it,
the shade of it. And if any of those needs to be changed, we’re able to make those changes on your
final one. So the first thing is veneers. Go on your natural teeth. They’re bonded to your natural teeth. They don’t
stain like your natural teeth. So even if you’re drinking coffee, your tea, although they stain a little bit, but it’s not as
much as your natural teeth. The second thing is that the shape and the shade of it, it’s going to be boost up. So in your smile with veneers,
we’re designing your smile and boosting up your smile based on the shade and the shape of the teeth.


What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers similar to dental crowns are made of a thin layer of porcelain; however, unlike dental crowns, their thickness is only 0.7-2 mm. Unlike dental crowns, dental veneers will only cover the front facing of your tooth instead of a full 360-degree coverage.

When is a good time to get dental veneers?

If you don’t like the shape or shade of your teeth, we can look into a very conservative approach to designing your smile with contact lens thickness dental veneers. With dental veneers, we only need to shave the teeth minimally to ensure the final results are natural looking with the shade you like and conserving most of your tooth structure.

Are dental veneers applied to my natural tooth?

Yes, dental veneers are cemented to your natural teeth.

How many appointments does it take to regain my full smile with dental veneers?

It generally takes three appointments.

The first appointment is our consultation, taking photos and digital impressions of your teeth.

The second appointment is preparing your teeth and bonding your temporaries. At this appointment, you will leave with your full smile design, and you can test drive it. You can change the shape and shade if needed after this appointment.

The third appointment is delivering finals, where the porcelain veneers are applied and permanently cemented.

How do I maintain my dental veneers?

Dental veneers are applied to your natural teeth, and the front aspect of it is now protected with dental veneers. Veneers require regular home care flossing at least three times a week and brushing your teeth twice daily. Also, professional dental cleanings are needed every six months.

Before & After Results

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Dr. Nima Afzalian's EAT Bio

Dr. Nima Afzalian's

Dr. Nima Afzalian'sjourney in dentistry began at 12 when he experienced the transformative power of dental care during a tooth-filling procedure. That pivotal moment ignited his passion for dentistry, and he has since dedicated his life to making a difference in people's lives by relieving pain and discomfort through his expertise.

Nima earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the prestigious Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University. Subsequently, he obtained his dentistry doctorate from the Midwestern College of Dental Medicine, graduating with honors, with recognition in Dental Implants and the Dean's Award as the Top Clinician of his class.

With his extensive education, clinical excellence, and genuine dedication to patient well-being, Dr. Nima Afzalian is excited to provide you with the highest level of care for all your dental needs. When you choose Dr. Nima, your oral health is in capable hands!

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