Rebuild Your Smile with Functional and Natural-looking Implant-supported Dentures

As if losing one tooth isn’t frustrating enough, some patients are unlucky to lose several or all their teeth! Accidents, gum disease, and extensive tooth decay are some reasons some patients can lose most of their teeth. However, the good news is that several viable options are available to replace missing teeth. From dentures and bridges to implants, many solutions exist to restore the smile of individuals facing extensive tooth loss.

Although traditional dentures are excellent teeth replacement options, most patients want a permanent solution for tooth loss. At My Dental and Implants, Dr. Nima Afzalian offers implant-supported dentures as a secure and stable option to restore your smile’s health, function, and appearance.

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Reminder cleaning implant-supported dentures
Reminder cleaning implant-supported dentures
By Dr. Nima Afzalian

Denture options for patients with tooth loss

Because of affordability, most patients opt for traditional dentures to restore their smile after tooth loss. Upper dentures are secured by suction, but the lower arch dentures may need adhesives because there is no mouth palate to create suction. Traditional dentures are excellent restorations, but most patients complain about their tendency to slip or move when eating, talking, or laughing.

Patients can also consider snap-in dentures, secured by two to four implants on each jaw. Once the implants are inserted, your dentist restores your teeth by placing an overdenture over them. Depending on the set-up of your implants, snap-in dentures can be fixed or removable. These dentures are more stable than conventional dentures, but they may have a rocking motion as you chew and eat.

Implant hybrid dentures or All-on-X implants are the ultimate choice for replacing failing or lost teeth. This option involves installing four to six implants on your top or lower jaw. Once your implants are set, your dentist screws a natural-looking denture on the implants. Implant-supported dentures are permanent — only a dentist can remove them during maintenance.

Denture options for patients with tooth loss

Implant Dentures Vs Dentures explained by Dr. Nima Afzalian of My Dental & Implants

Types of dentures

Today, I would like to discuss about implant dentures and what are patient options as far as implant dentures and dentures. There are three options for patients that they can choose from based on how well they want to smile, if they care about the security of their denture, meaning that if it’s removable or secure, and also their chewing function, how they want to chew and obviously finance part it’s a big part of it as well.

The first option is obviously traditional dentures. Traditional dentures is with no implants and basically the top and bottom are typically loose but the top is more secured because you have the palate or roof of the mouth that creates a suction between the denture and your gum. But the lower, there is no palate on the lower so there is no security and the lower dentures are always more loose compared to the top ones. Snap-in dentures, they are still removable like traditional dentures but they do have implants similar to implant hybrid dentures. So, snap-in denture is an option that basically on the top three to four implants is placed and then on the bottom two to three implants is placed and you’ll get the same dentures as traditional dentures but they will snap in and they’re secured so they’re not typically as loose as traditional dentures. However, sometimes as you eat and chew on it, you may get a rocking motion on snap-in dentures but for the most part they’re pretty secure and much better option than traditional dentures.

The final option and the third option is basically implant hybrid denture or all on egg. This option is not like snap-in denture or traditional denture that are removable. This option is secured so four to top and four to six implants on the bottom and your prosthesis which is much nicer looking than those traditional dentures will be tightened in and secured in with those implants. However, they do have maintenance like your natural teeth because they mimic your natural healthy teeth up to 70 to 90 percent and with that comes maintenance. So, every six months the cleaning and every year those prosthesis are removed and we clean on journeys.

Implant Hybrid Dentures - Case Study explained by Dr. Nima Afzalian of My Dental & Implants

Dr. Nima Afzalian explian about veneers

Hello everyone.
Today we just want to go over one of our big smile transformation.This patient came in to us, she wasn’t. Her main concern was she’s not able to eat and chew.  And also she was very self-aware of her smile. She was like, I have missing teeth and it’s not working for me.
So we went over her options and she decided to go with the implant hybrid bridges or all on four, all on X. All of them are the same term for the same treatment,
different terms for same treatment.So I just wanted to share with you the before and after patient loves her
results and she’s able to eat too much better.And this is just her temporaries and we’re still going through some modification
for her final while she’s in these temporaries. But she absolutely loves her smile and she sees the big difference.
Great seeing you all. Thank you.

Benefits of implant-supported implants

All-on-X dental implants are cost-effective because you don’t need an implant for every lost tooth. We install a predetermined number of implants per arch to replace missing teeth. The implants are carefully placed on strategic areas of your mouth to support the even distribution of biting and chewing forces on your prosthetics.

The many benefits of implant hybrid dentures include the following:

  • Prevent bone loss to some extent
  • Restore oral function to nearly 90%, enabling you to speak and eat confidently
  • Stabilize the remaining healthy teeth
  • Maintenance is similar to your natural teeth — brushing and flossing daily alongside bi-annual dental appointments are enough to keep your implant dentures in excellent condition
  • Long-lasting — the dental implants last a lifetime, but your restoration may need replacement every 10-15 years
  • Stabilize your facial structure to deter premature aging

If you want a long-term solution for missing teeth in Glendale, Arizona, you can count on implant-supported dentures from My Dental and Implants. These restorations are stable and look and feel like the teeth you just lost.

Please call (623) 526-2330 to discuss with Dr. Nima Afzalian the possibility of a healthy, complete smile with All-on-X dental implants.

Benefits of implant-supported implants


What is an implant-supported denture?

This is the best treatment you can get if you are missing all your teeth or your teeth are at a stage where all need to be removed. Implant-supported dentures, full-mouth dental implants, implant hybrid, or All-on-X dental implants are all different terminology for the same treatment. This treatment involves the placement of four to six implants and getting your new smile within 24 hours after surgery. Implant-supported dentures are fixed, and you don’t need to worry about it being loose or coming out.

How well can I eat with them?

Implant-supported dentures mimic the natural healthy teeth dentition in biting and chewing forces up to 80% to 90%.

What are the advantages of All-on-X over traditional dentures?

We look into three factors that make them different. First is chewing function, second is retention (how well they stay in your mouth), and third is how your smile will look like. All-on-X implants are superior to traditional dentures in all three factors. You can eat steaks and apples with them, you don’t need to use denture adhesives, and you can enjoy a natural-looking smile with the shade and shape you want for your teeth.

What do I need to know about Implant Supported Dentures or All-on-X?

We highly recommend doing this procedure under sedation. This is an extensive procedure, so we always include it as part of treatment for all our patients.

The second important thing is the final material. The final prosthesis can be made of acrylic, similar to denture teeth, or zirconia, similar to dental crowns. In general, acrylic is not nearly as strong as zirconia nor as natural-looking as zirconia.

The third thing to consider is maintenance. We always tell our patients it’s not just about removing teeth and placing implants. It’s also about care. We get a lot of patients who have these denture implants but don’t know that they need maintenance. These implant-supported dentures need regular cleaning, along with having the prosthesis removed and cleaned underneath once a year.

Before & After Results

Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients: (623) 526-2330 | Existing Patients: (623) 300-2550
Dr. Nima Afzalian's EAT Bio

Dr. Nima Afzalian's

Dr. Nima Afzalian's journey in dentistry began at 12 when he experienced the transformative power of dental care during a tooth-filling procedure. That pivotal moment ignited his passion for dentistry, and he has since dedicated his life to making a difference in people's lives by relieving pain and discomfort through his expertise.

Nima earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the prestigious Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University. Subsequently, he obtained his dentistry doctorate from the Midwestern College of Dental Medicine, graduating with honors, with recognition in Dental Implants and the Dean's Award as the Top Clinician of his class.

With his extensive education, clinical excellence, and genuine dedication to patient well-being, Dr. Nima Afzalian is excited to provide you with the highest level of care for all your dental needs. When you choose Dr. Nima, your oral health is in capable hands!

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